ICIC Canary Islands
Cancer Research Institute

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Friendly websites

Our friendly websites

Our friendly websites

List of websites that in one way or another have worked with ICIC from the moment of its creation and have help us to grow.

Asociación Cancer de Mama y Ginecológico Canarias

Canary Association of Breast and Gynaecological Cancer - A non-profit association to provide assistance to women and their families affected by breast and gynaecological cancer in the Canaries.

Carrera por la Vida

Walk for life - A unique healthy and very emotive event, organised each year to raise money to fight against breast cancer.

Revista Oncológica

Biocancer On line journal for Oncology Learning - Explaining cancer by means of articles and animations. Highly known researches publish their latest results in oncology and tumour processes.

Cursos de formación en oncología

Kancer.com - Training courses in oncology. Online platform to provide training in cancer. Researchers specialised in different fields of cancer share their advances in the network.

Red de Biomedicina y Biotecnología macaronésica

RedBiopolis.com - The aim of Biopolis is conducting scientific, institutional and industrial cooperations to further develop research in Biomedicine and Biotechnology by exploring and exploiting the Macaronesian Biodiversity.

Cluster de Biotecnología e Industria Farmacéutica Canarias

Biotifarm.es - It is a Cluster that develops the conditions for the establishment and stimulus of research and innovation in the biotechnology and pharmaceutical areas in the Canary Islands.

Ceamed SA Industria Famacéutica

Ceamed SA Bio-pharma company - University-based company, primarily engaged in research and development of new drugs (anti-cancer and other families).


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