ICIC Canary Islands
Cancer Research Institute

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ICIC Structure

Canary Islands Cancer Research Institute (ICIC) Structure

(ICIC=Instituto Canario de Investigación del Cáncer = Canary Islands Cancer Research Institute.  The Spanish acronym ICIC is maintained throughout the text)

ICIC is a multi-centre institute with labs and personnel associated with the research units of the university hospitals of the Canary Islands, as well as with various departments of both Canary Islands Universities, the University Institute of Bio-Organic Antonio González, the Natural Products and Agrobiology Institute of La Laguna belonging to the Spanish National Research Council, the University Institute of Tropical Diseases and Public Health of Canary Islands and other private institutions.

ICIC does not start with its own buildings and research property own infrastructures, but just trying to organise and fund cancer research done in different places of the Canary Islands.  ICIC does not start with its own scientific staff, only integrates researchers in the field of cancer belonging to other institutions or organisations.

ICIC does not have its own library, neither other exclusive resources of other type, its goal is provide them to promote currently undertaken cancer research conducted anywhere in the Canary archipelago. 
The functional structure of ICIC is based on:

  1. Members of ICIC. upon request any scientist conducting research on cancer under any discipline can become a member.
  2. ICIC members can constitute ICIC Research Groups, formed by a principal investigator, who must be self-financed and have contributed with a publication or patent in the area of cancer, and his/her colleagues all being ICIC members.
  3. The ICIC Research Groups are gathered under areas of affinity in the Sections of ICIC (currently eight): 1) Biology of Cancer, 2) New Anticancer Drugs, 3) Cancer Prevention, 4) Molecular Pathology, 5) Image Advanced Diagnostics, 6) Cancer Surgery, 7) Cancer Epidemilogy and 8) New Therapies.  Over the next year will be assessed a redefinition of the ICIC Sections to better adapt them to the new conditions of patient assistance and cancer research in the Canaries.
  4.  ICIC members gather at Assembly of ICIC (twice a year) formed by all ICIC members which elect the Board, approves the annual budget, amending the Statutes of ICIC and accepting new or unsubscribe members.
  5.  The Board of ICIC, elected by the Assembly of ICIC, is formed by the President, the Director, the Secretary and the Treasurer.  The functions of the Board are assigned to each member and described in the Statutes of ICIC, and are shared according to the preferences and abilities of the various positons.
  6. The four members of the Directorate of ICIC and Heads of ICIC Sections constitute the Council of ICIC, the highest governing body of ICIC between assemblies.


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