ICIC Canary Islands
Cancer Research Institute

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Video Lung Cancer.

Lung Cancer Video Smoking awareness

The Canary Island Cancer Research Institute with the Canary Islands Government sponsor the video "Victoria". Victoria is an Awareness Video on Lung tumour, lung carcinoma or lung cancer

This short 3D animation aims to raise awareness of the damage that smoking can cause. Lung tumour is one of the most deadly tumours in the world.

Storyline: Victoria is a tough and aggresive business woman, she knows what she wants and when she wants it. Her decisions are not to be questioned and her orders are strictly followed. But soon something or someone will make her question one of the most important decisions that define her lifestyle.

Worldwide, lung cancer is the most common cancer in terms of both incidence and mortality (1.35 million new cases per year and 1.18 million deaths), with the highest rates in Europe and North America. The population segment most likely to develop lung cancer is over-fifties who have a history of smoking. Lung cancer is the second most commonly occurring form of cancer in most Western countries, and it is the leading cancer-related cause of death. In contrast to the mortality rate in men, which began declining more than 20 years ago, women's lung cancer mortality rates have been rising for over the last decades, and are just recently beginning to stabilize.

This video was sponsored by the Canary Institute of Cancer Research and created by YmasD 3D animation


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