Manuel Perucho - Premios Atlántico de Investigación del Cáncer
2003 – Universidad de Las Palmas
Clausura Titulo de Experto en Oncología Molecular
Albacete, 1948

Investigador del Burnham Institute
La Jolla, California

Publicaciones Recientes:
1: Ionov Y, Nowak N, Perucho M,
Markowitz S, Cowell JK. Related Articles, Links
Manipulation of nonsense mediated decay identifies gene mutations
in colon cancer Cells with microsatellite instability.
Oncogene. 2004 Jan 22;23(3):639-45.
2: Suzuki K, Ohnami S, Tanabe C, Sasaki
H, Yasuda J, Katai H, Yoshimura K, Terada M, Perucho M, Yoshida
The genomic damage estimated by arbitrarily primed PCR DNA
fingerprinting is useful for the prognosis of gastric cancer.
Gastroenterology. 2003 Nov;125(5):1330-40.
3: Yamashita K, Dai T, Dai Y, Yamamoto
F, Perucho M.
Genetics supersedes epigenetics in colon cancer phenotype.
Cancer Cell. 2003 Aug;4(2):121-31.
4: Perucho M.
Tumors with microsatellite instability: many mutations, targets
and paradoxes.
Oncogene. 2003 Apr 17;22(15):2223-5.
5: Yamamoto H, Imai K, Perucho M. Related
Articles, Links
Gastrointestinal cancer of the microsatellite mutator phenotype
J Gastroenterol. 2002;37(3):153-63. Review.
6: Suzuki K, Dai T, Suzuki I, Dai Y, Yamashita
K, Perucho M.
Low mutation incidence in polymorphic noncoding short mononucleotide
repeats in gastrointestinal cancer of the microsatellite mutator
phenotype pathway.
Cancer Res. 2002 Apr 1;62(7):1961-5.
7: Baranovskaya S, Soto JL, Perucho M,
Malkhosyan SR.
Functional significance of concomitant inactivation of hMLH1
and hMSH6 in tumor cells of the microsatellite mutator phenotype.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2001 Dec 18;98(26):15107-12. Epub
2001 Dec 11.
8: Odero MD, Soto JL, Matutes E, Martin-Subero
JI, Zudaire I, Rao PH, Cigudosa JC, Ardanaz MT, Chaganti RS,
Perucho M, Calasanz MJ.
Comparative genomic hybridization and amplotyping by arbitrarily
primed PCR in stage A B-CLL.
Cancer Genet Cytogenet. 2001 Oct 1;130(1):8-13.
9: Ohmiya N, Matsumoto S, Yamamoto H, Baranovskaya
S, Malkhosyan SR, Perucho M.
Germline and somatic mutations in hMSH6 and hMSH3 in gastrointestinal
cancers of the microsatellite mutator phenotype.
Gene. 2001 Jul 11;272(1-2):301-13.
10: Yamamoto F, Yamamoto M, Soto JL, Kojima
E, Wang EN, Perucho M, Sekiya T, Yamanaka H.
Notl-Msell methylation-sensitive amplied fragment length polymorhism
for DNA methylation analysis of human cancers.
Electrophoresis. 2001 Jun;22(10):1946-56.
11: Yamamoto H, Yamashita K, Perucho M.
Somatic mutation of the beta2-microglobulin gene associates
with unfavorable prognosis in gastrointestinal cancer of the
microsatellite mutator phenotype.
Gastroenterology. 2001 May;120(6):1565-7.
12: Yamamoto H, Itoh F, Nakamura H, Fukushima
H, Sasaki S, Perucho M, Imai K.
Genetic and clinical features of human pancreatic ductal adenocarcinomas
with widespread microsatellite instability.
Cancer Res. 2001 Apr 1;61(7):3139-44.
13: Fang W, Piao Z, Buyse IM, Simon D,
Sheu JC, Perucho M, Huang S.
Preferential loss of a polymorphic RIZ allele in human hepatocellular
Br J Cancer. 2001 Mar 23;84(6):743-7.
14: Schwartz S Jr, Perucho M.
Somatic mutations in mitochondrial DNA do not associate with
nuclear microsatellite instability in gastrointestinal cancer.
Gastroenterology. 2000 Dec;119(6):1806-8. No abstract available.
15: Piao Z, Lee KS, Kim H, Perucho M, Malkhosyan
Identification of novel deletion regions on chromosome arms
2q and 6p in breast carcinomas by amplotype analysis.
Genes Chromosomes Cancer. 2001 Feb;30(2):113-22.
16: Piao Z, Fang W, Malkhosyan S, Kim H, Horii A, Perucho
M, Huang S. Frequent frameshift mutations of RIZ in sporadic
gastrointestinal and endometrial carcinomas with microsatellite
Cancer Res. 2000 Sep 1;60(17):4701-4.
17: Ionov Y, Yamamoto H, Krajewski S, Reed
JC, Perucho M. Related Articles, Links
Mutational inactivation of the proapoptotic gene BAX confers
selective advantage during tumor clonal evolution.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2000 Sep 26;97(20):10872-7.
18: Perucho M.
Genetic and epigenetic modification of MLH1.
Am J Pathol. 2000 Sep;157(3):1052-3. No abstract available.
19: Malkhosyan SR, Yamamoto H, Piao Z, Perucho M. Related
Articles, Links
Late onset and high incidence of colon cancer of the mutator
phenotype with hypermethylated hMLH1 gene in women.
Gastroenterology. 2000 Aug;119(2):598. No abstract available.
20: Yamada T, Kohno T, Navarro JM, Ohwada
S, Perucho M, Yokota J
Frequent chromosome 8q gains in human small cell lung carcinoma
detected by arbitrarily primed-PCR genomic fingerprinting.
Cancer Genet Cytogenet. 2000 Jul 1;120(1):11-7.
21, Perucho M.
Microsatellite instability: the mutator that mutates the other
Nat Med. 1996 Jun;2(6):630-1.
22: Perucho M, Peinado MA, Ionov Y, Casares
S, Malkhosyan S, Stanbridge E. Defects in replication fidelity
of simple repeated sequences reveal a new mutator mechanism
for oncogenesis.
Cold Spring Harb Symp Quant Biol. 1994;59:339-48. Review.
23. Rampino N, Yamamoto H, Ionov Y, Li
Y, Sawai H, Reed JC, Perucho M
Somatic frameshift mutations in the BAX gene in colon cancers
of the microsatellite mutator phenotype.
Science. 1997 Feb 14;275(5302):967-9.
24. Malkhosyan S, Rampino N, Yamamoto H,
Perucho M.
Frameshift mutator mutations.
Nature. 1996 Aug 8;382(6591):499-500.
25: Perucho M. Related Articles, Links
Microsatellite instability: the mutator that mutates the other
Nat Med. 1996 Jun;2(6):630-1.
26. Shibata D, Peinado MA, Ionov Y, Malkhosyan
S, Perucho M. Related Articles, Links
Genomic instability in repeated sequences is an early somatic
event in colorectal tumorigenesis that persists after transformation.
Nat Genet. 1994 Mar;6(3):273-81.
27: Perucho M, Peinado MA, Ionov Y, Casares
S, Malkhosyan S, Stanbridge E. Defects in replication fidelity
of simple repeated sequences reveal a new mutator mechanism
for oncogenesis.
Cold Spring Harb Symp Quant Biol. 1994;59:339-48. Review.
28: Shibata D, Schaeffer J, Li ZH, Capella
G, Perucho M.
Genetic heterogeneity of the c-K-ras locus in colorectal adenomas
but not in adenocarcinomas.
J Natl Cancer Inst. 1993 Jul 7;85(13):1058-63.
29. Ionov Y, Peinado MA, Malkhosyan S,
Shibata D, Perucho M.
Ubiquitous somatic mutations in simple repeated sequences
reveal a new mechanism for colonic carcinogenesis.
Nature. 1993 Jun 10;363(6429):558-61.
30: Peinado MA, Malkhosyan S, Velazquez
A, Perucho M.
Isolation and characterization of allelic losses and gains
in colorectal tumors by arbitrarily primed polymerase chain
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1992 Nov 1;89(21):10065-9.
31. Almoguera C, Shibata D, Forrester K,
Martin J, Arnheim N, Perucho M. Related Articles, Links
Most human carcinomas of the exocrine pancreas contain mutant
c-K-ras genes.
Cell. 1988 May 20;53(4):549-54.
32. Forrester K, Almoguera C, Han K, Grizzle
WE, Perucho M.
Detection of high incidence of K-ras oncogenes during human
colon tumorigenesis.
Nature. 1987 May 28-Jun 3;327(6120):298-303.
33. Winter E, Yamamoto F, Almoguera C,
Perucho M.
A method to detect and characterize point mutations in transcribed
genes: amplification and overexpression of the mutant c-Ki-ras
allele in human tumor cells.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1985 Nov;82(22):7575-9.
34: Nakano H, Yamamoto F, Neville C, Evans
D, Mizuno T, Perucho M. Isolation of transforming sequences
of two human lung carcinomas: structural and functional analysis
of the activated c-K-ras oncogenes.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1984 Jan;81(1):71-5.
35: Shimizu K, Goldfarb M, Suard Y, Perucho
M, Li Y, Kamata T, Feramisco J, Stavnezer E, Fogh J, Wigler
Three human transforming genes are related to the viral ras
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1983 Apr;80(8):2112-6.
36: Shimizu K, Goldfarb M, Perucho M, Wigler
Isolation and preliminary characterization of the transforming
gene of a human neuroblastoma cell line.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1983 Jan;80(2):383-7.
37: Goldfarb M, Shimizu K, Perucho M, Wigler
Isolation and preliminary characterization of a human transforming
gene from T24 bladder carcinoma cells.
Nature. 1982 Apr 1;296(5856):404-9.
38: Perucho M, Molgaard HV, Ruiz-Carrillo
Enrichment of histone H5-synthesizing polysomes by indirect
immunoadsorption. Purification of H5 mRNA.
J Biol Chem. 1982 Jan 25;257(2):958-63.
88: Perucho M, Goldfarb M, Shimizu K, Lama
C, Fogh J, Wigler M.
Human-tumor-derived cell lines contain common and different
transforming genes.
Cell. 1981 Dec;27(3 Pt 2):467-76.
89: Wigler M, Levy D, Perucho M.
The somatic replication of DNA methylation.
Cell. 1981 Apr;24(1):33-40.
90: Perucho M, Wigler M.
Linkage and expression of foreign DNA in cultured animal cells.
Cold Spring Harb Symp Quant Biol. 1981;45 Pt 2:829-38.
91: Perucho M, Hanahan D, Wigler M.
Genetic and physical linkage of exogenous sequences in transformed
Cell. 1980 Nov;22(1 Pt 1):309-17.
92: Wigler M, Perucho M, Kurtz D, Dana
S, Pellicer A, Axel R, Silverstein S Transformation of mammalian
cells with an amplifiable dominant-acting gene.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1980 Jun;77(6):3567-70.
93: Perucho M, Hanahan D, Lipsich L, Wigler
Isolation of the chicken thymidine kinase gene by plasmid
Nature. 1980 May 22;285(5762):207-10.
95: Molgaard HV, Perucho M, Ruiz-Carrillo
Histone H5 messenger RNA is polyadenylated.
Nature. 1980 Jan 31;283(5746):502-4.