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Sergio Moreno - Premios Atlántico de Investigación del Cáncer

2004 - 1st Young Cancer Research Investigators of the Canary Islands

Gáldar, Las Palmas. 1960

Profesor de Investigación del CSIC
Centro de Investigación del Cáncer
CSIC / Universidad de Salamanca

Publicaciones Recientes:

Moreno, S., Ruíz, T., Sánchez, Y., Villanueva, J.R. and Rodríguez, L. (1985). Subcellular localization and glycoprotein nature of the invertase from the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe. Arch. Microbiol. 142, 370-374. A

Sánchez, Y., Moreno, S. and Rodríguez, L. (1988). Synthesis of Saccharomyces cerevisiae invertase by Schizosaccharomyces pombe. FEBS Letters 234, 95-99. A

Moreno, S., Sánchez,Y. and Rodríguez, L. (1990). Purification and characterization of the invertase from Schizosaccharomyces pombe. A comparative analysis with the invertase from Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Biochem. J. 267, 697-702. A

Jones, R.H., Moreno, S., Nurse, P. and Jones, N.C. (1988). Expression of the SV40 promoter in fission yeast: identification and characterization of an AP-1 like factor. Cell 53, 659-667. A

Russell, P., Moreno, S. and Reed, S.I. (1989). Conservation of mitotic controls in fission yeast and budding yeast. Cell 57, 295-303. A

Moreno, S., Hayles, J. and Nurse, P. (1989). Regulation of p34cdc2 protein kinase during the traverse of mitosis. Cell 58, 361-372. A

Langan, T.A., Gautier, J., Lohka, M., Hollingworth, R., Moreno, S., Nurse, P., Maller, J. and Sclafani, R.A. (1989). Mammalian growth-associated H1 histone kinase: a homologue of cdc2 / CDC28 protein kinases controlling mitotic entry in yeast and frog cells. Mol. Cell. Biol. 9, 3860-3868. A

Moreno, S., Hayles, J. and Nurse, P. (1989). Regulation of the cell cycle timing of mitosis. J. Cell Sci Sup. 12, 1-8. A

Moreno, S., Nurse, P. and Russell, P. (1990). Regulation of mitosis by cyclic accumulation of p80cdc25 mitotic inducer in fission yeast. Nature 343, 549-552. A

Moreno, S. and Nurse, P. (1990). Substrates for p34cdc2: in vivo veritas ? Cell 61, 549-551. R

Gould, K.L., Moreno, S., Tonks, N.K. and Nurse, P. (1990). Complementation of the mitotic activator, p80cdc25, by a human protein-tyrosin phosphatase. Science 250, 1573-1576. A

Moreno, S. and Nurse, P. (1991). Clues to action of cdc25 protein. Nature 351, 194. A

Moreno, S., Klar, A. and Nurse, P. (1991). Molecular genetic analysis of fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe. Meth. Enzymol. 194, 793-823. A

Gould, K., Moreno, S., Owen, D., Sazer, S. and Nurse, P. (1991). Phosphorylation at Thr167 is required for Schizosaccharomyces pombe p34cdc2 function. EMBO J.10, 3297-3309. A

Moreno, S. and Nurse, P. (1994). Progression through the G1 phase of the cell cycle is regulated by the rum1+ gene. Nature 367, 336-242. A

Moreno, S., Labib, K., Correa, J. and Nurse, P. (1994). Regulation of the cell cycle timing of start in fission yeast by the rum1+ gene. J. Cell Sci. Sup. 18, 63-68. A

Mondesert, O., Moreno, S. and Russell, P. (1994). Low molecular weight protein-tyrosine phosphatases are highly conserved between fission yeast and man. J. Biol. Chem. 269, 27996-27999. A

Moreno, S. (1995). Practical pombe. Review of the book: Experiments with fission yeast: a laboratory course manual. Trends in Genetics 11, 74-75. R

Labib, K., Moreno, S. and Nurse, P. (1995). Interaction of cdc2 and rum1 regulates Start and S-phase in fission yeast. J. Cell Sci. 108, 3285-3294. A

Martín-Castellanos, C., Labib, K. and Moreno, S. (1996). B-type cyclins regulate G1 progression in fission yeast in opposition to the p25rum1 CDK inhibitor. EMBO J.15, 839-849. A

Labib, K. and Moreno, S. (1996). p25rum1: a CDK inhibitor regulating G1 progression in fission yeast. Trends in Cell Biology 6, 62-66. R

MacNeill, S.A., Moreno, S., Reynolds, N., Nurse, P. and Fantes, P. A. (1996). The fission yeast cdc1 protein, a homologue of the small subunit of DNA polymerase beta binds to pol 3 and cdc27. EMBO J. 15, 4613-4628. A

Martín-Castellanos, C. and Moreno, S. (1997). Recent advances on CDKs, cyclins and CDK inhibitors. Trends in Cell Biology 7, 95-98. R

Arellano, M. and Moreno, S. (1997). Regulation of CDK/cyclin complexes during the cell cycle. Int. J. Bichem. Cell Biol. 29, 559-573. R

Norbury, C. and Moreno, S. (1997). Cloning cell cycle regulatory genes by trans-complementation in yeast. Meth. Enzymol. 283, 44-59. A

Benito, J., Martín-Castellanos, C. and Moreno, S. (1998). Regulation of the G1 phase of the cell cycle by periodic stabilization and degradation of the p25rum1 CDK inhibitor. EMBO J. 17, 482-497. A

Sánchez-Díaz, A., González, I., Arellano, M. and Moreno, S. (1998). The Cdk inhibitors p25rum1 and p40SIC1 are functional homologues that play similar roles in the regulation of the cell cycle in fission and budding yeast. J. Cell Sci. 111, 843-851. A

Zeng, Y., Forbes, K. C., Wu, Z., Moreno, S., Piwnica-Worms, H. and Enoch, T. (1998). Replication checkpoint requires phosphorylation of the phosphatase cdc25 by cds1 or chk1. Nature 395, 507-510. A

Sánchez, M., del Rey, F., Domínguez, A., Moreno, S. and Revuelta, J.L. (1999). DNA sequencing and analysis of a 40Kda region from the right arm of chromosome II from Schizosaccharomyces pombe. Yeast 15, 419-426. A

Martín-Castellanos, C., Blanco, M, de Prada, J.M. and Moreno, S. (2000). The puc1 cyclin regulates the G1 phase of the fission yeast cell cycle in response to cell size. Mol. Biol. Cell 11, 543-554. A

Blanco, M.A., Sánchez-Díaz, A., de Prada, J.M. and Moreno, S. (2000). APCste9/srw1 promotes degradation of mitotic cyclins in G1 and is inhibited by cdc2 phosphorylation. AEMBO J. 19, 3945-3955.

Moreno, S. (2001). Different faces to the cell cycle. R Nature Cell Biol. 3, E15.

Blanco, M., Pelloquin, L. and Moreno, S. (2001). Fission yeast mfr1 activates APC and coordinates meiotic nuclear division with sporulation. J. Cell Sci. 114, 2135-2141. A

Cueille, N., Salimova, E., Esteban, V., Blanco, M.A., Moreno, S., Bueno, A. and Simanis, V. (2001). Flp1, the fission yeast orthologue of the S. cerevisiae CDC14 gene, is not required for cyclin degradation or rum1p stabilisation at the end of mitosis. J. Cell Sci. 114, 2649-2664. A

Sánchez-Díaz, A., Blanco, M., Jones, N. and Moreno, S. (2001). HBP2: a new mammalian protein that functionally complements the fission yeast cdc10 mutant. Curr. Genetics 40, 110-118. A

Sánchez, M., Revuelta, J.L., del Rey, F., Gwilliam,R., Skelton, J., Churcher, C., Rajandream, M.A., Wood, V., Barrell, B., Lyne, R., Reinhardt, R., Borzym, K., Beck, A., Moreno, S. and Domínguez, A. (2001). Analysis of 41 kb of the DNA sequence from the right arm of chromosome II of Schizosaccharomyces pombe. Yeast 18, 1111-1116. A

Wood, V. et al (incluido Moreno, S.) (2002). The genome sequence of Schizosaccharomyces pombe. Nature 415, 871-880. A

Pérez-Hidalgo, L., Moreno, S. and San Segundo, P. (2003). Regulation of meiotic progression by the meiosis-specific chechpoint kinase Mek1 in fission yeast. J. Cell Sci. 116, 259-271. A

Kamath, R.S., Fraser, A.G., Dong, Y., Poulin, G., Durbin, R., Gotta, M., Kanapin, A., Lebot, N., Moreno, S., Sohrmann, M., Welchman, D., Zipperlen, P. and Ahringer, J. (2003). Systematic functional analysis of the C. elegans genome using RNAi. Nature 421, 231-237. A

Daga, R.R., Bolaños, P. and Moreno, S. (2003). Regulated mRNA stability of the Cdk inhibitor Rum1 links nutrient status to cell cycle progression. Curr. Biol. 13, 2015-2024. A

Esteban, V., Blanco, M., Cueille, N., Simanis, V., Moreno, S. and Bueno, A. (2004). A role for the Cdc14-family phosphatase Flp1p at the end of the cell cycle in fission yeast in controlling the rapid degradation of the mitotic inducer Cdc25p. J. Cell Sci.117, 2461-2468. A

Daga, R.R., Lahoz, A., Muñoz, M.J., Moreno, S. and Jimenez, J. (2004). The S. pombe etd1 gene identifies a new actin like protein that links the SIN cascade with the actomyosin ring constriction. manuscrito en revisión. A


Moreno, S. and Nurse, P. (1993). Cell cycle regulation in fission yeast. In: "Molecular Biology and its Application to Medical Mycology". (Maresca, B., Kobayashi, G.S. and Yamaguchi, H, eds.), pp.3-5. Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg.

Moreno, S. y Jiménez, J. (1993). El ciclo celular. En "Bases Celulares y Moleculares de la Oncohematología". (A. Lopez Borrasca, ed.). Enciclopedia Iberoamericana de Hematología Vol.II pp. 596-605. Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca. Salamanca.

Moreno, S. (1994). Bases moleculares del ciclo celular. En: "Proliferación celular y cáncer". (Cascales, M. y Villanueva, J.R., eds.). Monografía de la Real Academia de Farmacia y de la Fundación Científica de la Organización Española de la Lucha Contra el Cáncer, pp.17-38.

Labib, K. and Moreno, S. (1996). Regulación de la fase G1 del ciclo celular en Schizosaccharomyces pombe. En: "Bases Moleculares del cáncer y sus aplicaciones clínicas". (Blasco Olaetxea, E., Lacal, J.C. y Perona, R., eds.). Fundación Gipuzkoa, pp. 25-32.

Martín-Castellanos, C. and Moreno, S. (1996). Regulation of G1 progression in fission yeast by the rum1 gene product. In: "Progress in Cell Cycle Research Vol.2". (Meijer, L. , Guidet S. and Vogel L., eds.). pp. 29-35. Plenum Press, New York.


Moreno, S. (1992). Así comienza la mitosis. Investigación y Ciencia (Abril) 187, 62-69.

Martín, C. y Moreno, S. (1994). Proliferación celular: inhibidores. Investigación y Ciencia (Agosto), 33-35.

Bolaños, P. y Moreno, S. (1995). Papel de los proto-oncogenes y de los genes supresores tumorales en la regulación del ciclo de división celular. Revisiones en Cáncer 9, 165-169.

Moreno, S. (1995). Control genético del ciclo celular. Fronteras de la Ciencia y la Tecnología 10, 41-43.

Moreno, S. La división celular, el único camino a la inmortalidad. Suplemento Futuro de EL PAIS, 17 de Octubre de 2001.

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